Dave’s blog: Whiskey reverie

Calling a cocktail “zen” may sound like a stretch, but making one certainly can be. The colors, the sounds and the anticipation all work together to create a reflective moment. It’s something that should be done with care and reverence.

This idea came out of the Mad River Valley Moments of Zen, which is a social media video clip series spearheaded by a local chamber of commerce. I’ve been contributing, and thought it a good idea to expand beyond simple shots of beautiful scenery, and bring some local businesses into the mix.

The balance can be a bit tricky. How do you feature a business without making it a commercial? I’ve been looking to find things that are beautiful and peaceful, and entertaining on the function and services of the businesses. Then we can throw a logo in without it becoming too much of a sales pitch.

I made this one with Mad River Distillers. I’ve shot a few more that I’ll assemble when I have time.

It’s Friday, and I’m going to go make a cocktail.


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