Dave’s blog: Whiskey reverie

Calling a cocktail “zen” may sound like a stretch, but making one certainly can be. The colors, the sounds and the anticipation all work together to create a reflective moment. It’s something that should be done with care and reverence. This idea came out of the Mad River Valley Moments of Zen, which is a Read more about Dave’s blog: Whiskey reverie[…]

Dave’s blog: Healing nature

I haven’t posted much since the Coronovirus social distancing period began. I don’t know if that’s because I don’t want to put out another this-is-what-my-life’s-like-under-pandemic story, or just general malaise and laziness. COVID-19 has had predictable impacts on my life. Work has almost disappeared. I’ve filed for unemployment — yet to receive any — and Read more about Dave’s blog: Healing nature[…]